Saturday, November 30, 2013


Education is a vital aspect of life and can carry a distinct meaning for each given individual. In today's modern world the essence of a college education for an 
individual often contains the aspect of selfishness to obtain material 
wealth versus an individuals desire to become more knowledgeable and well 
rounded. The importance of a well rounded college education is crucial in 
society today and holds the key to success. 

We, Anahit K. and Zee S., decided to create this blog to share what a proper college 
education means for us and our understanding of the reasons for the
 importance of a well rounded education. Welcome to our blog! We hope you will 
enjoy reading our blog and will share with us your own personal ideas 
of  themeaning of a college education. 
We can't wait to hear the opinions of our readers!

Author Selfies

 Anahit K.                            Zee S.

About the Authors:

Anahit K. and Zee S. are both currently University students in California. Anahit is a health administration major while Zee is a radiology major. Anahit chose to major in 
health administration because she has always been passionate about helping 
others, also her interest in the medical field and the business world was a great combination that fit the curriculum of the major. She plans to one day be a head administrator at hospital in order to help the 
hospital to run smoothly while providing care to its patients. Zee chose her major based on her interests in helping other while interacting with them. She hopes to one 
day become a successful ultra sound technician. Both Anahit K. and Zee S. are passionate about education which inspired the creation of this blog. Education is the key to success which will
 unlock the doors to your dreams.